A L Billington
Who is A L Billington? Some say he is just a myth, a phantom, a whisper on the lips of a kindly gentleman. Or maybe he’s just some bloke with access to a word processor and too much time on his hands. Who calls them word processors these days anyway? Turns out A L Billington is old enough to use the term ‘word processor’, yet only ironically, which should tell you exactly how old he is. He’s also the one writing this bit, so it’s very strange that it’s in the third person.
In case you were wondering, the ‘A’ stands for Arthur, and the ‘L’ stands for a secret that he’ll never tell you unless you get him drunk at an awkward party.
Fantasy, Comedy
Beast Be Gone
Beast Be Gone
Beast Be Gone, Undead Don't Die
Deep Sea Diver Dave
Terry Pratchett meets Ghostbusters in an RPG world.
Beast Be Gone is a cosy fantasy comedy series that explores the stories of the underdogs of fantasy tales, sometimes known as NPCs. They're normal folk just wanting to go to the shops without getting stabbed by a sneaky guy in a cape who got bored of hunting goblins.
A must-read for anyone who loves Dungeons & Dragons, RPG's and online games (although you'll never be able to play them again without feeling bad for the men who have to clear up the mess you left behind in dungeons).